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The Dinesh Memorial STEM Scholarship

In Memory of Dinesh:

Dinesh Patel was an Alisa's Angels Supporter from the very beginning. He dedicated his time and talents to helping the foundation grow. In large part because of him, Alisa's Angels is where it is today: able to provide eight scholarships to young leaders who are themselves, dedicated to helping others and making their communities a better place. 

Due to the love of Dinesh's family, one of the eight Alisa's Angels Scholarship recipients, with a focus in a STEM-related career field, will receive an additional $5,000, increasing their total scholarship amount to $10,000. 

"We feel that the donations that we give go towards individuals and students who have this drive and ambition to further not only themselves but the entire community"

-Dinesh Patel

Meet the Recipients

Suhani Patel

Class of 2021

Suhani Patel plans on attending Cornell University in the Fall of 2021. She will pursue a degree in both computer science and economics with a focus on technology for social good and inequality studies. She has devoted countless hours to volunteering with the National Charity League, where she led service initiatives in partnership organizations like St. Mary's Food Bank and the Ronald McDonald Foundation, and LITAS For Girls, where she served as the Director of Curriculum Development and developed coding curriculums, presented workshops to +1000 students worldwide, oversaw global chapters, and hosted fundraisers for electronics for underprivileged youth. She has also started Tech for Tails, where she was able to combine her love for computer science with her love for animals to collect donations for anti-cruelty shelters and societies.

Suhani Patel
Class of 2021
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Our Mission: To inspire tomorrow's leaders by providing scholarships that support and empower students giving back to their communities.

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 Alisa's Angels Foundation established 2005

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