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11th Annual Scholarship Gala
- 2023 - 
A time of fun and fundraising.

Thanks for joining us for our 11th Annual Scholarship Gala!

May 18th marked the 11th Annual Scholarship Gala and our awarding of 8 new scholarship recipients for a total of 91 awards since our inception. The class of 2023 consists of students from as far as Cottonwood, AZ (2 recipients to be exact) to students in Phoenix and Tucson. We were happy to have two members of the new class join us at the Gala as well as some former recipients from older classes. 

The Gala provides us the opportunity to welcome new recipients to the Alisa’s Angels Family, the chance to catch up and connect with former recipients while sharing the experience with our Angel Family. Additionally, it’s our one in person event where we raise money. This year we had a goal of $80,000 for the event to help us reach our overall year end goal of $150,000. I’m so grateful to share with you that due to the amazing support of all of you we exceeded our goal and raised just over $86,000!

I hope you enjoy the photos from the 11th Annual Scholarship Gala and seeing some new and familiar faces. We are already planning the 2024 Gala and will have a date for you soon…if you weren’t able to attend this year we hope to see you next!

Thank you Angel Family for all that you do that makes it possible for us to support and empower young leaders in making communities a better place.

Weren't able to attend or participate in person or virtually?

Good News! You can still help future leaders by donating here

Thank You Partners & Sponsors

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Our Mission: To inspire tomorrow's leaders by providing scholarships that support and empower students giving back to their communities.

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 Alisa's Angels Foundation established 2005

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